Crafting a Perfect Smile with the Help of a Kelowna Dental Centre


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Addressing tooth discoloration is just one component of a smile make-over. A reputable Kelowna dental centre—such as Choose Your Smile Dental Clinic, for instance—offers other treatment options to address issues like misaligned teeth, missing teeth, gaps between teeth, and slight imperfections that would mar an otherwise lovely smile. A thorough treatment plan may involve multiple cosmetic dental procedures that include teeth whitening, bonding, veneers, dental crowns, the use of braces, and even surgery if required.

The sheer variety of cosmetic dental solutions may seem daunting at first, but they are all designed to fix the damage done to a person’s teeth. Meanwhile, to ensure that the effects of these excellent Kelowna dental solutions do not go to waste, patients would do well to visit their dentists regularly as a preventive measure. 

Why You Should Receive Oral Cancer Screening from Your Kelowna Dentist


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Oral cancer is caused by a variety of factors, although most sufferers often have a history of extensive alcohol and/or tobacco consumption. Your chances of contracting this disease are also higher if you have a family history of head and neck cancer. Meanwhile, even healthy individuals can develop oral cancer if regularly exposed to factors like second-hand tobacco and excessive sunlight.

Gum lesions aren’t the only indicators of oral cancer as the presence of white or red patches (called leukoplakia and erythroplakia, respectively) on the lips can also be indicators. This may sound like something a dentist doesn’t need to diagnose, but you should know that bleeding gums and loose teeth can also be symptoms of oral cancer. Considering that these are quite common in Canada as far as the CDA is concerned, then it’s only logical to visit Kelowna dentists.

Your Life after Getting Sturdy Dental Implants from Kelowna Dentists


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Follow-up Dental Care

Just because the final session is up and your dentist has already told you that your implant surgery was a success doesn’t mean you can ignore your implants indefinitely. In fact, you will still have to undergo follow-up care sessions. These involve checkups to see how well your new tooth has adjusted relative to your jawbone and gum-line. Don’t put this appointment off; otherwise, you might overlook some surgical complications that could have been avoided.

Use Teeth Wisely

Your dental implants are made of titanium and designed to be as durable as your natural teeth. Even so, you shouldn’t attempt to abuse this newfound function by biting down on hard candy, cracking nuts and bones, tearing open packages, etc. Implants are also sensitive to high temperatures, so you might want to let your coffee sit for a while before taking a sip. Take note that repetitive burning of the tissue around your implant could cause it to fail.

Teeth Whitening Dentist in Kelowna Discusses Highly Staining Food


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Carbonated drinks have the same acidity as battery acid. What’s more, many variants come in dark colors as well, making them doubly staining.

For those who already have tooth stains, it is best to visit a trusted teeth whitening dentist in Kelowna who can return the pearly white look you desire. The best professionals will offer a range of whitening options, like in-office laser whitening or at-home, wearable whitening trays that will get your teeth sparkling again.” s/zoom-whitening-veneers-crowns/

A Trusted Kelowna Dental Centre Can Help Restore Children’s Smiles


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“Fortunately, a trusted Kelowna dental centre like Choose Your Smile Dental Clinic can help kids get the beautiful teeth they deserve. A practitioner like Dr. Stephen Malfair can put in standard or Invisalign braces to correct malocclusions like overcrowded teeth. Alternatively, a dentist can put in veneers to hide dental imperfections in almost no time at all.

Of course, many children would rather not visit a dental office out of fear, so it is important to choose a Kelowna dental practitioner who works well with children. With a dentist’s help, kids no longer have to endure bullying because of their teeth.”

Study Helps A Sedation Dentist in Kelowna Administer Effective Meds


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“There are several reasons why some people need to rely on IV sedation dentistry in Kelowna. One of the most prevalent reason is because of a strong gag reflex, where the patient cannot hold his/her position, thereby impeding the dentist from properly performing the procedure. Another case is the patient’s anxiety or deep-seated fear of the dentist, which could stress the patient out, thereby making the procedure difficult, if not impossible, to carry out.

Patients, as well as dentists, must understand that although IV sedation is very beneficial for them, it should only be used after all means of behavioral techniques have been used. Those who still experience nervous or anxious behavior in facing dental procedures should consult a reputable sedation dentist in Kelowna who can administer a combination of safe medications to help them relax.”

Reliable Kelowna Invisalign Providers Uses BPA-Safe Dental Materials


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“The use of BPA understandably raises a concern for people who want to utilize dental products like Invisalign in Kelowna. Surely, they cannot agree that something toxic will be placed inside their mouths. However, professional associations, like the Canadian Dental Association, fortunately ensure that they regulate the limited amount of BPA in dental materials, and that extremely low levels are within the safety margins. They also require dentists and patients discuss the pros and cons of each material they will use for teeth restorations and other dental procedures.

This open communication with one’s dentist is always important, because it is the patient’s right to be duly informed of what will be happening to him given any dental procedure. On the flipside, it is the responsibility of the dentist to ensure that they fulfill their duty of properly educating and informing their patient about what will be done unto them.”

Patients Fear Getting Root Canals from Their Dentist in Kelowna Less


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“For patients that still feel pain after numbing, some dentists, like Dr. Stephen Malfair, a general dentist in Kelowna, can administer IV sedation. Using this method, patients will feel no pain at all. In fact, with IV sedation dentistry, patients may not even have any recollection of the procedure taking place at all.

With better patient education about the advancements in dentistry that have made root canals a painless procedure, it is likely that more people will seek the treatment from their trusted Kelowna dentist. This is a great thing, because root canals aren’t performed to create pain, after all, but to end it once and for all while allowing them to keep their natural teeth.”

Good Oral Hygiene Boosts Outcomes for Kelowna Dental Implant Patients


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“Additionally, the skill of the dentist and the equipment and materials used shouldn’t be overlooked. The article notes that TiUnite, a Nobel Biocare product, used by dentists like Dr. Stephen Malfair from Choose Your Smile Dental Clinic, helped to improve the integration of the implant with the bone.

When looking for a dentist to place a dental implant in Kelowna, make it a point to ask questions about their experience, equipment, and materials. With a good dentist to place the implants, followed by good oral hygiene after the procedure, your new smile may last for a lifetime.”

Reliable Dentists: Key to the Growth of Cosmetic Dentistry in Kelowna


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“Much like in the United States, cosmetic dentistry in Kelowna, as well as other parts of Canada, continue to experience growth, according to a survey by OutRank by Rogers of Canada. The article by The Dentistry IQ Network mentions that the survey reflects the awareness of Canadians to various dental options with regards to improving their personal oral and dental health, as one of the major reasons for the growth of the industry.

“On the whole there are many similarities among Canadian and U.S. markets when it comes to dental searches,” said Shaw. “Searches for cosmetic dentistry continue to rise strongly in both markets, and research about dentistry is highest when big life events occur, such as having children, moving, and retiring.”